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Educational Institution Insurance

Regardless of the size of or kind of educational institution—big or small, private or charter—educational institution insurance is critical to helping provide comprehensive protection and safeguarding against lawsuits. Proper educational institution insurance helps protect faculty and students and reduce financial risk for the institution.


What is Educational Institution Insurance?

Educational institution insurance covers a wide array of potential liabilities that may arise at an educational institution. School communities are comprised of a variety of stakeholders, resulting in unique incidents and challenges faced by these organizations. As such, it is important that coverage solutions are tailored to meet the needs of your educational institution and allow your school or college to feel protected.

Types of Educational Institution Insurance

K-12 insurance

With such wide age ranges in K-12 schools, comprehensive insurance coverage solutions help ensure the safety of both students and faculty. Younger students, in particular, are prone to injury, making K-12 insurance particularly critical when it comes to personal injuries and liability insurance.

Public school insurance

From school counseling to grounds and equipment, there are many facets to public schools that should be considered when choosing insurance solutions. In addition to general liability, public school insurance can cover critical areas such as cyber risks and auto liability. The needs are vast, but the proper public school insurance can create peace of mind in all facets of efficiently operating your public school.

Charter school insurance

Charter school organizations carry some of the same risks as traditional public schools but tend to be more flexible in their administration. This can deliver strong results for students – however, along with flexibility comes risk. It is important that each charter school insurance program is tailored to the individual school, and that you have a broker that can quickly respond to your needs.

Private school insurance

When parents and guardians are investing money into their child’s education at an early age, it’s expected that the school invests just as much in the safety and wellbeing of faculty and students. Help keep your private school protected with private school insurance tailored to your specific safety requirements. Whether there is potential for flood or earthquake damage or the need for workers’ compensation, the appropriate insurance solution for your private school is available.

Higher education insurance

As students further their education and begin operating at a higher level, including a myriad of extra-curricular events operated through the educational institution, comprehensive insurance becomes extremely important. Higher-education sporting events pose potential injury risks, making sporting event coverage particularly critical. In addition, higher education insurance may include risk management coverage for risks such as active shooters and fleet and vehicle insurance.

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Community college insurance

Community colleges are a critical steppingstone for many students in their pursuit of higher education, serving as a key educational resource for a wide range of student age groups. With such a diverse array of students and faculty, community college insurance must consider and cover a variety of needs. Basic insurance coverage such as property and liability insurance play a vital role in general protection, but more specific coverage in areas like media liability and equipment are just some of the areas that should also be considered.

State college insurance

State colleges bring a great deal of attention and notoriety to their local community and beyond, making it even more critical that these educational institutions stay in the media for all the right reasons. Help keep your school safe with the appropriate state college insurance for your institution. Customize your coverage solutions to account for potential emergencies and help protect students who come from both in-state and out-of-state, including international students and faculty.

Private college insurance

With students from across the country and the globe, operating at a higher level of activity and often new-found independence, help maintain safety on campus by choosing the right private college insurance. Liquor liability and coverage for incidental medical malpractice, such as by school nurses or athletic trainers, are just some of the additional forms of coverage that need to be considered when operating a school at the level of a private college.

Benefits of having educational insurance solutions

Today’s education system looks vastly different than it has in recent decades, as schools have much more to consider and maintain with an ever-growing number of students on campus. The increasing complexity of school systems means there is more at risk and potential gaps that need to be covered. With the proper educational insurance, educational institutions of all levels can help ensure that students and faculty are protected in the event of a wide array of potential incidents. In addition, it can help protect the institutions themselves, so that their financial health isn’t at risk.


What educational insurance covers

General educational insurance should cover potential liability, property and personal injury risks, as well as fiduciary risks. Educational insurance considers the safety and wellbeing of students on campus, as well as faculty and the property itself. Overall, educational institutions need to ensure they don’t put themselves at risk of being sued for anything related to the educational functions they are expected to perform safely.

What other coverages are available in educational insurance?

Educational insurance coverage should also go beyond the school itself, considering the risks that going off campus for extracurricular events or activities may pose, as well as unforeseen events such as mishaps with school security or sexual harassment concerns. Much of education today also takes place online, so cyber liability is another crucial consideration in coverage solutions.

What to consider when choosing educational insurance solutions

Go beyond basic coverage and think critically about all the potential ways your educational institution may be put at risk and which insurance solutions can help mitigate this risk. Tailor your educational insurance protection to the specific needs of your institution, depending on the learning level and size of your institution. Consider the financial investment when making your selection in coverage. While educational insurance may seem like a larger upfront expenditure, it can help protect your school or college from financial difficulty in the future.

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Is educational insurance mandatory?

Most educational institutions require some form of insurance. Schools will seek out general coverage such as property insurance, general liability insurance and auto insurance. The specific insurance and liability requirements will depend on your school specifications, including size and geography.

What coverage solutions should educational institutes consider?

There is a wide variety of coverage to consider, but the basics of coverage will often include property and general liability. Other areas to consider include cyber liability, auto liability, workers’ compensation, employment practice liability and directors’ and officers’ liability. Also factor in the size and location of your school and the number of employees and students at your educational institution when finding the appropriate coverage solutions.

What are the kinds of perils covered under an educational institution insurance policy?

Considering the number of potential risks today’s educational institutions face, schools and colleges should consider perils such as:

  • Property damage or loss, including damage caused by mechanical and electrical appliances
  • Medical expenses
  • Sexual misconduct or abuse
  • Employment-related claims
  • Legal fees
What types of incidents are usually covered by educational insurance?

The common incidents covered by education insurance include general liability claims, such as property damage and personal injury. If a student or faculty member is harmed or injured on campus, educational insurance will help cover the associated fees for both the student and faculty member, and their families, and help protect the school from incurring legal costs.

Who benefits from educational insurance?

All involved parties with a potential liability can benefit from educational insurance. Students, faculty or anyone on the school campus can receive the proper medical or legal attention in the event of an incident, while the educational institution can be protected from the legal or media risks associated with an incident.

Does educational insurance cover students?

A good educational insurance plan helps to cover and protect students. The goal of a successful educational insurance plan is to look out for the health and wellbeing of both the students and the school in the event of an incident or crisis. 

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